LunchFox Shopping.

It’s OK to hate all ‘Back to School’ slogans, right? As an adult? I think I was supposed to hate them when I was actually going back to school, but I (mostly) really liked school, and I love new stationery. so it was OK. As a mum, Back 2 School -the 2 drives me particularly nuts -is just shorthand for Spend Lots of Cash.  This is less exciting. One thing that is especially annoying to spend money on is lunchboxes. Instead of the plastic box with a tiny plastic handle of lunchboxes of yore, modern lunch bags are mini cool bags which you can never quite clean enough, with a lining which splits, and a zip that catches ALL THE DAMN time. And because you HAVE to buy one with the correct Angry Birds/Hello Kitty picture on, they are also fiendishly expensive.

Lunch box of yore.

Lunch box of yore.

Anyway. There is another way, my friends. A recycled, stylish, practical CHEAP lunch box solution available IN BEDFORD.  At Charisma Gift Shop, in the posh arcade. (I think it does have a proper name, but everyone knows where you mean when you say the posh arcade,) It’s a lovely shop, full of pretty scarves and nice soap and great jewellery. And it sells these:

A window of lunch boxes!

A window of lunch boxes!

foxy lunch box

foxy lunch box

They are £4.99 each, and come with a foil lining. There are loads of nice designs to choose from; I like the fox one and the apples. Best bit? They are made from recycled plastic! Charisma sells the jumbo storage bags too, which are handy for storing laundry, clothing-to-grow-into, dressing up, school work… pretty much anything! And the storage bags are just £4.99 too. I’ve got quite a lot of these already (ahem) but I couldn’t resist this bike design one. I did stop to wonder if you could indeed store a fold up bike in it. Would be handy.

Bike Bag.

Bike Bag.